Wednesday, November 11, 2009



:( am disappointed.
i just started on a new pack that i just bought from the mart not long ago.
yet it taste like its been kept for a long time, no longer crispy.
i remember chips ahoy being very crunchy and the texture is much better than the competitor brand (CHIPS M**E).......
i purposely bought a big pack cos i knew it wouldn't fail me.

the size seems to have increased through the years, but the texture is no longer the same.
i'm sure there are ppl like me who likes to eat cookies that feels like handmade, that means the surface must be rough, the choco chips are not the same size, and the outlook shouldn't be smooth like this......

look at the big big pack.... i even have a hard time storring it since i stay in the hostel. so i resorted putting them into my empty amos zipper bag. Just to end with something positive, the sweetness is not overwhelming. so conclusion is eatable, but not enjoyable.

auntie note: value for money.... lesson learnt

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